The Vernacular Art-Space Laboratory (VAL, Lagos) presents its first project - Iwaya Community Art Festival – in Iwaya, a suburb in Yaba Local Government Area.
This is the maiden edition of the community art festival, which hope to become an annual outdoor cross-cultural event that exposes and exhibits talents within and outside the community. The Festival promises to bring artists of different practices to feature in workshops, exhibitions, storytelling, cinema, performances and sport for all ages.
The Festival will take place in the course of three days starting on December 9th and ends on December 11th, 2016 in Iwaya community. The aim of the Iwaya Community Art Festival is to bring local, national and, where possible, international talents to Iwaya and to cater for different range of interests in arts and crafts within the Iwaya community and environ.
Iwaya Community Art Festival is a not-for-proft production of the Vernacular Art-space Laboratory in collaboration with various artists and performers. The festival is entirely funded by the Vernacular Art-space Laboratory with the generous support of friends and colleagues in the arts sector.
So, whether you are interested in music (many kinds), Cinema, Story-telling, Dance, Comedy nights, various arts and crafts, we have something for you!
Source: FB